Calgary TaiChi & Martial Arts College
Promoting Chinese Culture through Chinese Martial Arts
2018 7th World Jr Wushu Championships in Brazil. Winnie Cai's ceremony for her gold medal in Jianshu. This achievement marks Winnie's 3rd gold medal championship at these games.
2018 7th World Jr Wushu Championships in Brazil. Winnie Cai obtained a gold medal in Jianshu and silver medal in Qiangshu. This achievement marks Winnie's 3rd gold medal championship at these games.
2018 7th World Jr Wushu Championships - Virginia Cai's ceremony for her silver medal in her Qiangshu form. She is a previous World Jr Wushu Champion.
2018 7th World Jr Wushu Championships - Virginia Cai obtained a silver medal for her Qiangshu form. She is a previous World Jr Wushu Champion for Jianshu
CAI TAI CHI focus on using our internal energy, this is different then any regular exercise. Real Tai Chi foundation and principles revolves around this internal energy focus.
2018 7th World Jr Wushu Championships

23rd Calgary Tai Chi & Martial Arts College Anniversary Demo

Young Wushu Heroes Performance @ our 23rd Anniversary Demo
Tai Chi & Wushu Performance by National Team members and our competitive team @ our 23rd Anniversary Demo
2018 Stampede Parade

2017 Stampede Parade - The Tai Chi Float
July 7, 2017
We did it - after long hours and long nights with the support of our sponsors T&T Supermarket and C&L Cabinets "The Tai Chi Float" made its debut on Canada day in Chinatown and took part in the Annual Stampede Parade on July 7th. Check out the Video!

Calgary Tai Chi & Martial Arts College 22nd Anniversary Celebration
June 11, 2017
Thank you to all the students, their family and friends and honored guests for making our event as successful as it was. Below is a link to some photographs of the event

Canadian National Team Selections
May 20-21, 2017
As the dust settles from another fierce competition, we are excited to announce another year of fantastic results. Let’s congratulate Winnie Cai, Leslie Kwan, and Jason Chen-Leung for making their way into Canada’s national wushu team! Along with five others, they will be representing our country in the upcoming World Wushu Championships in Kazan, Russia. With Winnie Cai as Canada’s all around female champion, gold medalist Leslie Kwan, and silver medalist Jason Chen-Leung as Calgary’s very own representatives, let’s cheer them on for the upcoming battle on the opposite side of the world! Jiayou, jiayou!

Virginia Cai Takes Gold in straight sword
October 2, 2017
Burgas, Bulgaria
Virginia Cai - representing Team Canada from Calgary win's first place in Straight Sword at the 6th World Junior Wushu Championships held in Burgas, Bulgaria.

2nd World Taijiquan Championships
October 14-20, 2016
Warsaw, Poland
Led by Master Fang Wu, our 2 students brought home 3 medals for Canada, 2 bronze medals and 1 silver medal.
Cheryl Wan - 2 medals (2 bronze)
Women's A Group 3rd Set Taiji Jian - Bronze
Women's A Group 42 style Taiji Quan - Bronze
Leslie Kwan - 1 medal (Silver)
Men's B Group 56 Chen Style Taiji Quan - Silver

2016 Canadian National Team Trial Results
July 23, 2016
Toronto, ON
2 athletes selected for the Canadian Wushu Team
7 athletes selected for the Canadian Tai Chi Team
29 Gold Medals
9 Silver Medals
6 Bronze Medals

13th World Wushu Championships
Nov 14-18, 2015
Jakarta, Indonesia
Team Canada this year was led by Master Cai who was appointed the Team Coach again after a successful run in 2013. Among the teams members included 3 of the Calgary Tai Chi and Martial Arts College's elite athletes!
Winnie Cai - Winnie's first selection to the Senior Canadian National Wushu team and she was the youngest among all competitors this year and had the BEST result among team Canada:
3rd place, Bronze Medal in Jianshu (Straightsword)
Leslie Kwan - 2 time Senior National Team Member. Leslie was able to improve on his performance from the 12th World Wushu Championships this year with some strong routines:
7th place, Qiangshu (Spear)
10th place, Chang Quan (Long Fist)
Jason Chen - First year selection to the Canadian National Wushu Team for Jason. Jason did very well as a first timer to the World Wushu Championships:
7th place - Dui Lian
9th place - Jianshu (Straightsword)

2015 Canadian National Team Trial Results
Aug 22-23, 2015
Toronto, ON
At this year's Canadian National Wushu Championships and Team Selections the Calgary Tai Chi and Martial Arts College demonstrated brilliance among other top level Wushu athletes in the Nation.
Our team took home a total of 37 medals:
13 Gold
16 Silver
8 Bronze
This year's national team selections proved to recognize our school's high level of competitors as 3 of the Calgary Tai Chi and Martial arts college's students were selected onto the Senior National A team to represent Canada at the 13th World Wushu Championships this year in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Senior National A team consists of 8 total athletes, we were strong enough to be selected into 3 of those spots!
Among the schools competing at this years team selection, 2 were from Calgary. Our school was the only school from Calgary to have students selected onto the National Team.
Members selected to the National A Team were: Winnie Cai, Leslie Kwan, and Jason Chen.

2015 West Coast Can-Am Championship
May 2, 2016
Richmond, BC
Calgary Tai Chi & Martial Arts College sent 44 students to compete and obtained 3 Grand Champion Awards at the competition and over 30 Gold medals

The 1st World Taijiquan Championships
Nov 1-5, 2015
Chengdu, China
Leslie, Chris 分别获得男子太极拳,太极剑一个一等奖,三个二等奖为加拿大国家队夺得唯一一等奖,是加拿大国家队表演赛的确最好成绩.
Murray 在全场最高水平的男子自选太极拳的比赛中,以12.58的高分获第五是加拿大这个项目最高分.
4 Students from CTMAC representing Team Canada placed top 5 in their events with the leadership and guidance from Master Cai.

5th World Junior Wushu Championships
March 11-18, 2014
Antalya, Turkey
Winnie Cai
World Champion for Qianshu (Spear Form) - Ceremony Video
3rd Place for Changquan (Fist Form)
4th Place for Jianshu (Sword Form)
贺 蔡千惠获一金一铜再次登上世界冠军宝座
蔡千惠做为唯一来自卡城的选手,代表加拿大参加3月11-19日在土耳其的安塔立亚举行的第五届世界青年武术锦标赛。在枪术的比赛中,技压群雄,勇夺金牌, 再次登上世界冠军的宝座,在长拳的项目面对28名其他国家顶级运动员的挑战,摘取铜牌。

4th World Junior Wushu Championship (WJWC)
Sept. 17 - 25, 2014
Macao, China
One Gold and one Silver, a best for the Canadian team at the 4th World Junior Wushu Championship
The 2012 World Junior Wushu Championship (WJWC) was on Sept. 17 to 25, at the Ta Shi Sports Gymnasium in Macao, China. 40 countries, including China, participated. 800 athletes competed at various martial arts routines and free-hand sparing as well. As one of the highest level of competitions sponsored by the World Wushu Federation, the participating teams at the WJWC event were represented by the best athletes from each country. The Canadian Youth Wushu Team led by Master Geng Zhang Cai, with 12 athletes and 3 coaches, took part in the A, B, and C age defined categories. They succeeded in winning 2 gold, 2 silver and 3 bronze medals for Canada. Among the winners, Winnie Cai from the Calgary Taichi and Wushu College is most outstanding. She single-handedly captures two medals, the silver medal for Chang Quan (bare hand long form routine) and the gold medal for the spear in the C category (for athletes age 12 and under).
Each participating athlete is allowed to compete in no more than two events. Actually, Chang Quan is the only event held in the C category and it features the most number of competitors. 39 athletes from the 40 teams took part. The competition was most intensive. Winnie scored a 9.46 for the silver medal. In the weapons program, Winnie took the gold medal single-handedly at the spear event with an overwhelming margin. She stood proudly twice on the podium, clasping a Canadian Maple Leave flag sent with her from MLA Neil Brown, to receive the honors for Canada. It was a most glorious moment for Winnie to hear the Canadian national anthem while the Canadian national flag was being raised for all to admire.
Winnie owes her success to the meticulous instructions of her father, Master Cai Geng Zhang. She has won numerous medals, including a bronze medal at 9 years of age at the last WJWC. Her present accomplishment as the very first world wushu champion from Calgary marks a significant milestone for her future success as a Canadian athlete.
Calgary Tai Chi & Martial Arts College was founded in 1995 to serve the needs of students all over the Calgary area.
Back to back Gold medals at the World Jr Wushu Championships (2012, 2014, 2016)
Bronze medal at the World Wushu Championships (2015).
Gold Medal at the 1st World Taijiquan Championships (2015)
2 Silver, 4 Bronze medals at the 2nd World Taijiquan Championships (2016)
15 gold medals from the World Traditional Wushu Championships
Over 38 National Champions, all of whom have been elected to join the Canadian National Wushu Team to represent Canada at World level competitions.